Horror Games
5 Nights At Shrek’s Hotel

5 Nights At Shrek’s Hotel

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5 Nights At Shrek’s Hotel

An extreme night awaits those who check into this strange hotel on the edge of the road. It is not known by what miracle the main character was brought here. Apparently he did not have an overnight stay for that night and had to stop at the first place that came across. This is what will be his catastrophic mistake. Not a single other visitor is visible within the walls of this backwater.

Yes, and a very strange manager who seems to be looking through you. Everything will become clear when the first night comes. She will be the test of strength for you. Run away from Shrek, who for some reason went berserk. The worst dream of your life awaits you.

The game borrowed the plot from the famous prototype, and you need to survive for five whole nights. To do this, try to escape. Also, don’t be scornful of hiding places. It is better to know where you can hide from a raging monster than not to know about it at all.